Alliene and Gavin Etheredge, circa 1908

Here is Alliene Etheredge as a child with her little brother Gavin. She had beautiful browish red curly hair that she passed along to many of her 14 children and 44 grandchildren (22 girls and 22 boys). I remember Uncle Gavin when I was a child. He lost a pinky in a factory work accident as a younger man and told me that the same would happen to me if I continued to suck my thumb. I was four or five years old at the time so needless to say, I don't have the best memories of my great Uncle Gavin. If memory serves, he died in 1981.


Jamie said…
Loooove the phots, Brooks, all of them. Thanks for sharing! Your mom with Ben--awww, somebody get that poor woman a grandbaby! Maybe I can hire her to drive down to Livingston and rock my babies!
Jamie said…
K--I'm back for a second because--OMG!--the word verification had NINE letters. WTF? Is that really neccesary? JEEEZ!
Brooks Brown said…
Jamie -- She would love your babies. She had two tiny girls of her own at one point. We'll get her a grandbaby someday and I hope its soon. Yeah, that word verification has gotten a little extreme.
Brooks Brown said…
I agree, but I like Granny's expression. She clearly was the woman in charge from an early age and you know Gavin was answering to her even through his pissant behavior. What amazes me is that the photo is almost 100 years old.

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