Perhaps today's happiest news moment

Andy and Anne Washington, of Chelmsford, Mass., hold their new son, Matthew, and react after hearing the judge finalize their adoption as a part of National Adoption Month in the Brooke Courthouse in Boston, Friday, Nov. 18, 2005. More than 150 children in foster care will be adopted thought Massachusetts. (AP Photo/Eric Rowley)
I think I have mentioned ad nauseam how much bad news comes down through the wire in a daily newspaper. Today's offerings include more suicide bombings in Iraq, the ongoing White House war on criticism and continued congressional budget cuts. After my first six months in daily news I learned, like everyone else in the newsroom. to let it all roll off my back or to at least try to.
The expression goes that death and taxes are they only things a person can count on, but bad news might as well be another. This being the case, I always search hard through the daily photo server for bits of good news and think this might be the best. I have never heard of National Adoption Day and don't know a thing about it, but was happy to see this unconventional family become official. It looks to me like Matthew will grow up with a lot of love and his parents' dreams of becoming his legal official and guardians have come true. It's a truly wonderful moment captured for the world to see. It nice when the good stories make it through for the masses.