But wait, there's more ...

After the Halloween craziness died down a bit, we had a much tamer party at the house honoring my mom's arrival into Birmingham (see pictures with Mom and Ben -- the stars of the party).

Mom and my sister, Lindsay, went down to Auburn for the wedding of the youngest child of some of our oldest and dearest friends from our years in Auburn. Mom spend the rest of the week with us and we had a good time -- more pictures to come from Ruffner Mountain.

Check out the party here at http://echeevodemadre.blogspot.com/


mojoala said…
Brooks, where have you been? You don't visit anymore!
Lee Ann said…
Hey! Here I am, another Alabama blogging friend. Everything ok, or just really busy at work?
Brooks Brown said…
Sorry guys -- have been away from bloggerville for the past week and half. I will return in full form.
Lee Ann said…
I love the name Brooks!
Brooks Brown said…
thanks lee ann. i am glad to be back in bloggerville -- missed my pals.
Brooks Brown said…
thanks lee ann. i am glad to be back in bloggerville -- missed my pals.

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