sister brown straight hair of mine
To those of you who know Lindsay Brown, a shocking fact is that she used to have straight hair for just a few years as a small child. Prior to this and after this, she had and still has thick curly hair that I teased her about terribly as a child with names like "Fraz-a-round". It has come back to haunt me as my fine wispy hair holds no shape until it is freshly cut and how I wish I had her beautiful thick hair. When I was 13 I did a self-bleaching with Sun-In at the beach with friends and Linds cried because she couldn't do the same to her dark brown head. How the tides have turned on that beach trip of the mid-80s. We still laugh about that. I wanted to send a special shout out to my sis today because she came over to help me clean up up the house and we looked at old photos, some funny and cute and of course some from our geeky awkward stages. This was a photo she didn't see that I "made off" with and I am really happy I got have so many family photos in...