sister brown straight hair of mine

When I was 13 I did a self-bleaching with Sun-In at the beach with friends and Linds cried because she couldn't do the same to her dark brown head. How the tides have turned on that beach trip of the mid-80s. We still laugh about that.
I wanted to send a special shout out to my sis today because she came over to help me clean up up the house and we looked at old photos, some funny and cute and of course some from our geeky awkward stages. This was a photo she didn't see that I "made off" with and I am really happy I got have so many family photos in my possession since our parents are as 3000 miles away in Big Sky country. They haven't embraced the technological advances that allow modern man and woman to scan in photos and attach them in e-mails (guess I better stop there, right?) so its a good thing I have a nice collection of our kid photos.
I would guess that this photo was taken on Easter Day of 1978. I think this was the day that we went to the huge Easter egg hunt over at Glovie and Dickey Lynn's house (parents of Julia and Garland). I don't know if you remember that Linds. Note the old school rotary wall phone -- don't see those much any more although Waddy has one.
It was nice sharing some laughs today with you, Cheebers, and I wanted to tell you that there will be a special birthday edition of "1975 -- the year in music and events" when your birthday roles around. I am already doing my homework on it and you will not be disappointed.
Stay tuned ....