sister brown straight hair of mine

To those of you who know Lindsay Brown, a shocking fact is that she used to have straight hair for just a few years as a small child. Prior to this and after this, she had and still has thick curly hair that I teased her about terribly as a child with names like "Fraz-a-round". It has come back to haunt me as my fine wispy hair holds no shape until it is freshly cut and how I wish I had her beautiful thick hair.

When I was 13 I did a self-bleaching with Sun-In at the beach with friends and Linds cried because she couldn't do the same to her dark brown head. How the tides have turned on that beach trip of the mid-80s. We still laugh about that.

I wanted to send a special shout out to my sis today because she came over to help me clean up up the house and we looked at old photos, some funny and cute and of course some from our geeky awkward stages. This was a photo she didn't see that I "made off" with and I am really happy I got have so many family photos in my possession since our parents are as 3000 miles away in Big Sky country. They haven't embraced the technological advances that allow modern man and woman to scan in photos and attach them in e-mails (guess I better stop there, right?) so its a good thing I have a nice collection of our kid photos.

I would guess that this photo was taken on Easter Day of 1978. I think this was the day that we went to the huge Easter egg hunt over at Glovie and Dickey Lynn's house (parents of Julia and Garland). I don't know if you remember that Linds. Note the old school rotary wall phone -- don't see those much any more although Waddy has one.

It was nice sharing some laughs today with you, Cheebers, and I wanted to tell you that there will be a special birthday edition of "1975 -- the year in music and events" when your birthday roles around. I am already doing my homework on it and you will not be disappointed.

Stay tuned ....


angela said…
That is the cutest photo of El Brown...EVER! I find it amazing that people look identical to their baby photos. Although, I have to ask..who cut her hair? I've NEVER seen it so short!
Brooks Brown said…
I also really love how people look like little condensed versions of themselves as babies. This picture was taken when we lived on a really beautiful farm, but my parents were broke as hell since my mom was staying home to raise us (God bless her) and Dad worked as the editor of a tiny local newspaper in our tiny little town. Needless to say, there wasn't a whole lot of money, although me and Chuntz didn't know any different had a great time playing on that farm. I remember getting most of our clothes second hand, mom being a part of a groovilicious '70s co-op so we could get things like natural granola for cheap and I guess the budget was also tight for kid's haircuts because I think it was either Mom or our grandma Mimi who cut L's hair so short. She was a cute little thing and on her birthday this year (30) I am going to post one of the pictures of when her hair was a mass of ringlets (right before this phase). It was very cute and she is going to get a 1975 shout out that might be slightly embarrassing, but hey, it's my blog! Good talking to you today :)
Anonymous said…
i would like to think of the toddler-phase hair as "prelude to rebarb..i hardly knew ye".
Brooks Brown said…
spiritof75....reveal yourself! is that you cheebers brown?
Anonymous said…
i thought my birth year would give it away---hence the's me!

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