Beautiful beautiful beautiful, beautiful boy

I don't have one of my own, but I can definitely see where John Lennon was coming from when he wrote that song. I met baby Ben for the first time today with Lindsay and he is amazing. I definitely see Jason Fondren all over his face, especially in the brow. He's got MC's nose and a sweet set of little chimpanzee toes that he actually wrapped around my finger. I hope I am blessed enough to experience one of my very own some day. I always forget how small newborns so it is a pleasant surprise to be reminded how perfect and tiny we are when we enter this world. It's hard not to think about God and how he must still like us mortals that roam his earth to push the reset button and make us feel humbled by such a blessed event as birth.
I was telling Lindsay today that it has really has been inspiring to hear and read Waddy and Tim's accounts of Audrey's first month and to see MC and Jason now that they are parents. This is the happiest I have felt since before Andrea died. I think it has taken the death of someone I really love to feel how wonderful it is when someone I know I will love is born. All the sorrow and shock of sudden death has a total polar opposite when a joyous birthday occurs involving beloved friends. The loss and pain I feel of not having Andrea and her baby alive are comforted by knowing that I will hopefully get to see Ben and Audrey as they grow and learn about the world and for this I am peacefully thankful.