always my friend

Today marked two years since Andrea has been gone.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about her.

The days after her death seem like a
surreal blur.

It still seems unreal to me
that I won't see her again or hear
her stories and her laugh.

I think those are two of the things
I miss the most about her.

I am done with being angry and
God for taking Andrea and her
baby. I know she is at peace and that
soul and spirit are very much alive.

I loved her very much and will
always cherish the friend that was by my side as
childhood turned to adulthood. Her fighting spirit, independence and constant loyalty to the underdog were her beloved traits that I hope
I can carry on for the both of us.

When I think about Andrea I am constantly reminded of the lyrics from James Taylor's "Fire and Rain":

I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought I'd see you one more time again.

I hope I am lucky enough to meet up with her again someday.


Jamie said…
Brooks: Responding to your comments on my blog-- I had a quick look at yours while the girls ate breakfast and it's lovely. You are a good writer and I like to read--good combo! I felt sad to read about your friend and wanted to add that I believe (and my religion teaches) that relationships and intelligence are the only things that continue after this life. So, I know you're not taking a poll or anything, but I believe you will meet Andrea (and her baby) again and your relationship will grow. Thanks for your comments--keep them coming!

Jamie in MT
Brooks Brown said…
Thanks for your words Jamie. I agree with you on meeting up with her again someday. The past two years have really been kind of crazy time for me, but a lot of good has come out of this tragedy -- things I could never have imagined. I have had to dig deep into myself to be able to more forward with my life. I will keep an eye on your blog. I really like the title (a song from the 80s I always loved) and like I said, your kids are so gorgeous and expressive. You are a lucky woman. By the way, check out one of my latest entries -- I have some trivia about 1972 -- your year too right?

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