Let the sun shine in ....

Today was a really nice Sunday. I worked out in the yard all day getting it pretty so that when K gets back from Las Vegas she will be able to come home to a clean house with a clean yard. The Fondrens had most of Jason's family in today and I thought it was really nice that they all a made a point to talk to me, even the little nephew Jacob. I like the feeling that I am being congratulated too. I mowed their yard since I was outside and already sweaty and when Jason thanked me, I told him in was the inner sap in me coming out. Truth be told, I had always wanted to mow their nice flat yard (since I love to mow and trim) and now I had an excuse since Jason needed to be inside tending to fatherly duties. There's was an ice cream cone compared to just the hilly part of our front yard.

The baby buzz continues and I am not the only one. Even Mr. sports and outdoors guy Kendall McDaniel has the baby buzz as we were talking about Ben today outside. Miss Mildred is excited about him as well and said, "We need another boy in this neighborhood so he can help do yard work."

I have talked to neighbors I have rarely talk to and everyone has a smile on their face when we talk about the good news next door. Babies are such amazing good will ambassadors. I was thinking today that its kids and pets that seem to connect us to each other and is the way we show our best, more loving and affectionate sides. That is definitely the case in this neighborhood where our "babies" have been (and will continue to be) of the four-legged variety. A two-legged variety is a very special event and we have all kind of gathered around him in wonderment.

I was really touched by the outpouring of support we got last year in the neighborhood when Andi was sick and we all spent a lot time talking to Kathy when her and Susan's poor little Oscar had to be put down. People we didn't even know were very sympathetic when they saw our Miss Pups with her bandana on covering her scar from the sun. Ben's birth gives me a whole new appreciation for the residents of 6th Avenue S. and I have been telling them that Ben was really born at the right place at the right time -- a neighborhood full of childless and retired folks who love babies and love MC and Jason.

It's funny to see neighbors who we usually talk to about gardening, or criminal mischief in the neighborhood who now have this baby glow about them. I am not the only one that is excited and looking forward to all the fun that comes with watching a tiny baby turn into a rough-and-tumble kid. He will be our own little prince (born on Prince William's birthday ironically). It gives me such joy to see people I know and love becoming parents for the first time and how wonderful that Audrey and Ben's births are so close together. I feel really lucky to be next door observing the changes in their personalities and their sweetness and amazement with the tiny boy. I think it is a humbling experience for all of us and suddenly the problems of the world don't seem nearly as important as who will be the first neighbor who gets to babysit and that is a really fine thing.


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