(un)cruel summer

I get real sentimental in the summertime. I did this last year and I thought it was because of all the daytime beer drinking, but maybe not. Summer as a kid was such a good time. I have more memories of the summer months I guess because they stand out as such happy times -- no school, staying up late, getting to play outside late and of course Night Swim at the Auburn City Pool. Those nights ruled all other summer nights.

I remember music that I was listening to in the summer and especially music that was playing at Camp McDowell's old juke box -- it played David Bowie's "Let's Dance" and J. Geils Band's "Angel in the Centerfold" constantly during my session and those songs will always remind me of summer as will "Tainted Love" that I remember hearing on the way home from that camp session. We first got MTV during the summer. I guess that had to be 1982. We had it before a lot of the neighbor kids and I remember them coming over to watch it. Of course Bananarama's "Cruel Summer" is the ultimate summer song from the decade. I know Cheebs will be able to add some '80's summer songs to this list.


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