A soft case creates a softy

What is it about guitar cases and cats? They have some magical spell on the critters. I have had multiple cats and multiple guitar cases and it doesn't matter if the case if hard or soft, the cat is instantly drawn to it and refuses to get out of it for many hours at t time. Miles and Freddie actually fought over who got to sleep on this soft case the other night. Fred has been in such a good mood lately and I think it might be the guitar case being empty. He hasn't been bitching or marking anything in days and although I hate the cat hair in the case, I can't help but let him sleep it in. He looks too happy in catnapville to disturb him.


Hector Drone said…
So... in a way, we could say that... your cats are groupies, as much groupie a cat can be, right????
Brooks Brown said…
I think it would be more accurate to say that I am their groupie, especially to this gray tabby named Freddie. He has a rock star, diva brattitude that is up there with the worst of them. Billy Corgan and Breastina Aguilara have nothing on this cat. If he was able to create a rider for his own backstage craft table it would definitely included the most expensive wet cat food served in a crystal bowl and I can't even imagine the P.Diddy- like entourage he would gather. Make that P. Kitty ;)
Hector Drone said…
Hahahaha... A cat's rider... Now, THAT would be interesting...
"Will your pussy do the dog?"... I think there is a song with that title and, strangely enough, it actually talks about a kitty - or am I naive?...
mojoala said…
IT's not just guitar cases. my own cats are fascinated by my work bag.
Brooks Brown said…
It must be bags in general. I found one of these guys in a black duffle bag I was packing for a trip recently. They love bags. Even the weird one who doesn't play with cat toys, but with pieces of aluminum foil, Q-tips and pencils, loves any vinyl or canvas bag.
Anonymous said…
Remember Geronimo, who shat on Thrifty's bookbag?
Brooks Brown said…
YES! I do remember that illegal cat. Was that the cat who she claimed was her cousin or was that Henry? Did she take one of those cats in the U.F.O. with her at night?

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