poor pups -- a year ago

This pictures were taken a year ago. Poor pups. Her head was bald and still had a big betadine stain on it. You can tell she has the black and white blues in the bottom picture. I made her the orange and blue bandana to cover the scar, but she still looked totally humiliated by the experience. There is nothing sadder, or funnier in retrospect, than a great dane coming off anesthesia. I made her a special bed on the couch where she camped out for a couple of days. As stressful as times can get, I am still so thankful for her health and the good outcome of her surgery. When we heard it was cancer, we lept to the worst conclusions and how wrong we were. I will always find it strange that the news of Andi's cancer-free status came one year almost to the minute of Andrea's death. I will always think of Andrea as Andi's guardian angel. She really loved this dog and somehow I will always think that she was looking out for her.


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