1945 -- the year in history

I should have included this photo in the "Seven decades of Dad" feature (see two posts down), but I forgot all about it until I was driving to work today. This photo shows Dad, on the left, and my first cousin Al Simms, son of my Aunt Chinky.
These two were at a fair in Butler, Ala. and in the e-mail Al sent with this picture years ago, he says he rode a ride called "The Octopus" until he vomited and that burned him on carnival rides for life. I would guess this photo was taken in 1962 or 63.
Al also noted the merthiolate (antiseptic) running down his arm.
1945 Events of the world
San Francisco Conference establishes the United Nations (April–June).
In World War II news:
Yalta Conference (Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin) plans final defeat of Germany (Feb)
Hitler commits suicide (April 30)
Germany surrenders (May 7) May 8 is declared V-E Day
Potsdam Conference (Truman, Churchill, Stalin) establishes basis of German reconstruction(July–Aug.).
US drops atomic bombs on Japanese cities of Hiroshima (Aug. 6) and Nagasaki (Aug. 8).
Japan signs official surrender on V-J Day (Aug. 15). (see photos below)
US Events
FDR dies (April 12) and Harry S. Truman becomes president.
Manhattan Project tests first atomic bomb in Alamogordo, New Mexico (July 16).
A B-25 bomber flies into the Empire State Building, damaging the 78th and 79th floors and killing 13 (July 28).
Grand Rapids, Michigan becomes the first community to fluoridate its water supply.
Price of a first class stamp in 1945 -- 3 cents.
Life expectancy: 65.9 years
World Series -- Detroit d. Chicago Cubs (4-3)
NCAA Football Champions -- Army (9-0-0)
We don't have carnivals here, we have fairs!
lol, lol, lol
that is very interesting.