The Magic City dodges a big bullet

From what we reported from the newsroom tonight, there was no widespread damage in our metro area. My sister lost power in Southside for a while then it came back on. K said our power flickered many times. I will have some pictures tomorrow of what the storm debris looks like here. I think I can safely say were lucky in dodging one of the biggest storms of the past century to hit the Gulf Coast. Some folks in south Alabama and south Mississippi weren't so lucky.
4 of dem!
Was not too bad here, with exception of nearly 40 tornado warnings across the state.
glad to hear you are okay mojo
i am surprised at how little damage my area sustained. when i woke up and looked outside all i saw was a large branch down in one of my neighbor's yards and that was basically it.
And then hearing of my home state of Mississippi suffering the worst of the storm, with more than 100 dead in Biloxi alone, it's quite upsetting.