The interview -- my turn

1. Who’s your favorite relative outside of Mom and Dad?
My sister and since she is my only sibling that was an easy and painless answer.
Most importantly, it's the honest answer.
2. Which entrepreneur do you admire most?
I like Todd Oldham very much. He is a fashion desiger, product designer interior designer and multi-media artist. He takes junk off the street and makes it look good. He is unpretentious, honest and seems like the same guy he was before he was well-known. His designs are fun and simple and make the world a brighter place.
3. What is the first thing you would do with 10 million dollars?
Build houses for as many poor Southerners as possible. Sure their are starving poor people in other nations, but there are people who live in third world conditions right here in Alabama.
I would also have to give some money to who ever is the strongest non-Republican candidate for the 2008 presidential race and I would pay off the house mortgage. Gotta look out for myself as well, right?
4. Why did you start your blog?
I like to write, take pictures and discuss music and politics and blogs are a way to do all that and then some. I have met some really great people and have gotten to know friends even better through their blogs.
5. What is the color of success and which corporate color do you remember most?
I think I would have to say red and I hate to say this, but I think its because of McDonalds. That corporation has burned itself into the brain of every American child since the 1960s right?
The excellent movie "Supersize Me" proves that by looking at the millions McDonald's spends per year on advertising. It is sickening, but so is watching someone eat their food for 30 days. I haven't eaten there since I saw the movie and have no desire to ever eat there again.
6. What would you wish for with three wishes?
1. For all American soldiers to come home from Iraq

2. For Jesus to come back and even the score with people using his religion for corporate greed, further polarization of our country and as justification for careless actions that involve the lives of American citizens
3. That Anderson the great dane would live to be 20
(If you're gonna dream, dream big right?)
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1. Leave a comment below with the words 'Interview me right now'.
2. I will respond by asking you six questions.
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4. You will include this explanation in the same post.
5. When others ask to be interviewed, you will ask them six questions.
and the second part would come to a close second in getting you a good spot in heaven.
I really like that wish #2!
20years? that would be 140 in human years....ancient he would be!
talk to ya later.
Do you know if the Bangles were covering Big Star, cuz they too have a song entitled "September Girls"--a classic, in my completely biased opinion. Then, I too am classic in a month and a half.