It was sixty years ago today ....

Major history was being made the week my dad was born. War World II was finally ending and our boys were coming home marking the official beginning the baby boom. Three of Dad's brothers fought in WWII. When they came home in the early 1940's, they met their new sister Mable Marie, the second to youngest child, and renamed her Chinky after one of their higher-ups named Chinko who was as bald as she was. The name has stuck to this day.

Top photo: USS Bougainville crewmen celebrate after listening to the announcement of Japan's surrender, August 15, 1945. Their ship was then transporting aircraft to the central Pacific.

Bottom photo: Ships in Leyte Gulf, Philippines, firing pyrotechnic flares to celebrate the news that Japan had accepted Allied terms, August 15, 1945.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photographs


mojoala said…
ah, my fellow drunken sailors, brings back memories....

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