five months -- no drinks

It's not always easy and sometimes it's not fun, but it is definitely worth it. The renewed mental and physical energy I have combined with a clearer and more focused mind have made me see the great benefits of not drinking for the past five months.


BeckEye said…
Good for you! I've found in the years since I've been out of college that drinking has become more and more overrated to me. And I honestly hate being drunk now. I enjoy a good buzz, but I hate being a sloppy-ass, loud, emotional whack job for the evening.
Brooks Brown said…
thanks beckeye i couldn't agree with you more. since we are almost the same age I know what you are saying. I think what finally made me quit completely were the hangovers that lasted an entire day. I always had bad ones, but as I've gotten older the booze reaks havoc on me mentally and physically and I just had to ask myself why would I continue to poison myself with something that made me hate life so much the days following tying one on. the only answer was to stop for me.
mojoala said…
Good for you. I have given it up too due to diabetes. Saturday Alabama football games will not be the same without the beer-a-quarter requirement. Sigh....
Brooks Brown said…
mojo i can relate with you all the way on that. one of my saturday rituals for years and years was to get a half case of beer, fun party food and watch back-to-back SEC football on saturday with or without fellow football-loving friends. i really do miss it at times like that. we can do it though. in the big picture, it is worth the sacrifice for both of us.
Ticharu said…
I can relate, I smoked pot every single day form 1976 through 1996, I was amazed when I stopped to be suddenly awake. It was like I just kept getting more awake as the months passed. Drink I would think is pretty debilitating, I don't have much tolerence for alchohol, so I generally avoid it, but grass was a staple.
Brooks Brown said…
I just hit the diet cokes now at an alarming rate. People like to fool me into the aspertame poisoning hoaxes, but I won't hear of it.
Lee Ann said…
Wow that is great! The older I get, the more it takes a toll on me too. Just not so fun anymore. I can drink a glass of wine and it just makes me feel draggy, then all I can think about is going to bed. Good for you!
angela said…
Hoo-rah!! Hoo-ray!! I am so very proud of you.
BeckEye said…
By the way, I'll accept your make-up test. You just got it in under the wire...the answers are now up!
cmhl said…
wow, good for you!!!! that is really something to be proud of.

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