wild animals at the zoo

The crocodiles were too hot to party as were the zebras and tigers, but that didn't stop Hannah, Ian and Davey from rockin' on their last day of summer vacation Tuesday at the Birmingham Zoo. I think their sugar high began in the morning and lasted all day. It didn't help that I bought them each a slushie, but how many last days of summer does a kid get to celebrate? The flamingos were quite a sassy bunch and were offering what looked like free back-to-school haircuts.

A big thunderstorm ended our excursion a little early and that didn't really bother me so much. I babysit these three on a pretty regular basis and know where their Mom was coming from when she said she was so glad school started this week. I came home and crashed for a couple of hours after running after these wild animals.

I love Hannah's purple outfit with sky blue knee socks -- reminds me of what I was wearing back in the late '70s. Her outfits always remind me of the illustrations in the the Ramona Quimby books by Beverly Cleary.


Jamie said…
I loved Ramona--especially when she named her baby Chevrolet!
mojoala said…
is that moss growing on the aligators?

I know at the montgomery zoo, if you go when it first opens, you can watch them feed the alligators, otherwise, they just sit there.

you must be taken the week off to spend with family?
Brooks Brown said…
That was algae in the alligator pond. They seemed to really enjoy having it on them like it was cooling or something. Of all the animals in the zoo, they seemed to be kicking back and enjoying life the most.

I am back in Birmingham, was in Nashville last week.
cmhl said…
awesome pictures!!!
Brooks Brown said…
there were lots of parents there with other kids on the last day of summer vacation and the parents all looked "over" the kids being home. I see these kids a few times a month and never really get sick of them, but I did slip the s word in when they started spitting their slushies at each other through their straws. magically, it did get their attention.
mojoala said…
1. Who’s your favorite relative outside of Mom and Dad?

2. Which entrepreneur do you admire most?

3. What is the first thing you would do with 10 million dollars?

4. Why did you start your blog?

5. What is the color of success and which corporate color do you remember most?

6. What would you wish for with three wishes? Note: You can't use these three:
Everyone on the face of the planet to be of one race.
Everyone on the face of the planet speak the same language.
To have every religion erradicated from the face of the earth.

These are the rules of the interview game (as found on other blogs)

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below with the :`Interview me right now...

2. I will respond by asking you six questions.

3. You will update your blog with the answers.

4. You will include the explanation in the same post.

5. When others ask to be interviewed, you will ask them six questions.

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