Hard rain's gonna fall

My heart and prayers go out to the poor people stranded in New Orleans tonight. This strength of this hurricane is nothing the city has ever seen and only the fourth strongest hurricane, at category 5, to come from the Atlantic. In central Alabama, the verdict is still out as to how bad it will be. We know we will see a lot of rain and wind, but hopefully last September's Hurricane Ivan took care of the most of the weak trees and might spare us from massive power outages, but it is really just a wait and see matter (as probably goes without saying.)

K and I responded to the knee jerk reaction to stock up and our pantry could now feed a small army and is complete with five cases of bottled water, extra batteries and all sorts of food we can cook over the gas grill (but NO SPAM! -- sorry Dad! ).

That grill saved us last September during Hurricane Ivan and was amazingly not damaged when a Hackberry tree from our next door neighbor's back yard came crashing down and landed on our deck at 3:30 a.m. That was a rude wake-up call that I'll never forget.

We have one of the few basements in our neighborhood and I told neighbors today that they are more than welcome to come hide out with us down there if a tornado touches down anywhere near. I even got K's grandma's rocking chair cleaned off for MC and Ben if they need it. The weather conditions that big hurricanes create are ripe for tornadoes to spin out of and all of us southerners know how instantaneous and deadly those suckers can be.

Folks out West, keep us in your thoughts. Southerners -- get ready and stay in touch if you have the electricity or phone service to do so.


mojoala said…
it is 12:10 pm here on monday during lunch, and I almost gagged while eating, King George just came on the air again to give instructions, God i just want to bitch slap the dude. He sounds completely stupid reading some horribly prewritten notice trying to act like he really gives a chit!
Brooks Brown said…
Thanks Sangro I will update my blog and with photos and a full report on the storm. It looks like the eye is not going to come real close to Birmingham so we will probably be spared the worst of it.


I heard the same announcment and immediately changed the station. King Frat is the last person on earth I would want advice from during a time of emergency. Barney the purple dinosaur would probably have more practical advice to give in a crisis such as this. We are starting to get some heavy rain and I have been up on our roof to cover the chimney top with industrial plastic. During Ivan it leaking into the ceiling and I am hoping I can prevent that, but we'll just have to wait and see. Let me know how you and your family are doing up there okay?
Ticharu said…
Just so you know, we are watching this storm with keen interest up north, vertually everyone knows someone down there, and we're all hoping for the best.
Lee Ann said…
Hey! You doing ok over there? I am doing good here. We got off work early today, glad it didn't get too bad here. I do have a friend in New Orleans, I haven't heard from him. Hope everyone over there is ok.
Brooks Brown said…
So far so good at 8:18 tonight. The newsroom is buzzing with hurricane talk and one of our photographers called in and said all hell broke loose in Tuscaloosa with trees falling all over the place. My sister, in the Highland Ave. area of Southside, has lost power, but so far my neighborhood, in east Birmingham, is okay at the moment. The photos from the Associated Press of New Orleans, south Mississippi and south Alabama are horrific. The flooding is massive and many homes and business have been destroyed. I think New Orleans fared better than the forecasters had originally thought and is not as damaged or flooded as it would have been had the eye went directly through the city.
angela said…
I called you and you didn't answer. I hope you guys are alright. Please call ASAP!
-Hugs and Kisses-

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