A very happy Vancegiving

For the first time in my digital camera experience I have done the equivelent of exposing my film by accidentally deleting a my Thanksgiving photos. Clare has hers that she will be sharing with me later this week. I spent the day in Atlanta with Clare's family, the Vances, that I am practically related to now after our 15 years of friendship. Clare and I cooked collards, her Grandma Rust made the best whipped potatoes and we all went into a food coma around 8 that evening.

I think the highlight of the day was hooking up the Atari 2600 to Clare's massive stereo television. It was the ultimate Atari experience and left us all wanting more. I will always have deep love for the primitive video systems no matter how high tech the modern ones become. Clare and I bought one at a yard sale in college that I became so addicted to that Clare had to intervene and got rid of it when I started playing Kangaroo instead of going to class. (Thanks Clarence!)

Atari games take me back to a good place when I was a kid on Pinedale Drive with all the boys I grew up with. I really give thanks right now to all the wonderful friends that keep me sane and who allow me to sit at their family table during Thanksgiving. As stressful as times can get, it makes you glad for what you have and that is why Thanksgiving will always be my favorite holiday.


cmhl said…
oh, I LOVED atari!!! I so rock at space invaders.
mojoala said…
I so loved that game as well.

but dem fingers got tired from firing!

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