Breezing into fall
I haven't seen any leaves changing in this fall, but the weather has suddenly and unexpectedly changed for the better. The nasty humidity that slapped us in the face the minute we stepped off the plane has been replaced by cool breezes that have allowed us to open the windows, turn on the attic fan and finally enjoy the weater. I hear from my two Montana connections that there is already snow on the ground up there in some areas. Here it is gray, wet and leafy -- perfect sleeping weather. I haven't had time to do the wedding blog -- been too busy with work, school and cleaning for company, but it is in the works. I have had a great week full of happy memories, phone calls and e-mails from college friends I haven't talked to in years who wanted to see wedding pictures and hear all about the trip. Sadly the Red Sox got eliminated from the wild card race by the other Sox of Chicago. It doesn't deter from how great last weekend was and how much I want to go back and see more of that great city.