Sox and the city

Roy and Liane's wedding could not have been more beautiful or a on a better weekend. I told Roy tonight on the phone that I just never wanted it to end. We laughed, we cried and told what seemed like hundreds of stories about everything from college days at Montevallo and beyond.

I love Boston. Everyone I talked to was friendly and helpful. The Boston accent is no television stereotype. It is alive and well and I joked that our cabbies with their backwards newsboy caps were straight out of central casting with their accents and stories of crazy Boston life. This trip and the Brown family trip to Canada definitely have made this year a very memorable one.

I have a million descriptions of all things ceremony and reception related, but don't have the mental energy to even know where to begin. Lindsay came over today to get one of her late birthday presents -- a stylin' jacket from the Puma store on Newbury Street. It was great to get to tell her some of the stories of the event because I knew she would appreciate them.

Our last night was spent at Roy and Liane's apartment in a Boston neighborhood called Jamaica Plains. We ate an excellent restaurant down the hill from their apartment and spent the rest of the night at their apartment relaxing and dishing the best Montevallo stories from the early to mid nineties. I was very sad to say goodbye to those two. The tears definitely came down and hard, but mostly out of joy and gratitude for so many blessings that this year has brought. Events like this wedding and the births of two very important babies this year make me so appreciative of the happiness that can be found from such blessed events as these. It has taken the death of someone I really love to help me see that joyous occasions like weddings and births should be celebrated and never taken for granted. They aren't guarantees. They are gifts and ones to be completely grateful for.

When I finally get some rest and renewed energy I am posting a wedding blog that will not disappoint. I got some great photos.

To end what was already a perfect weekend, the Sox beat the Yanks in the last game of the series and have made the wild card race. The city rejoiced in their very crazy way and the games will always be attached in my memory to this weekend -- one of the best of my life.

{CUTLINE: Red Sox fan Eric Bosart, of Boston, watches a New York Yankees cap burn outside Fenway Park on Oct. 2. The Red Sox defeated the Yankees to earn a playoff spot. (AP/Lisa Poole)}


Lee Ann said…
Your recap has definitely made me want to go visit Boston! Glad you had fun, welcome home.
mojoala said…
Go Eric Bosart!
Brooks Brown said…
I am already planning my trip back.
I was telling Roy last night on the phone, it was so excellent, it felt like a dream.
mojoala said…
How is it, all your friends are in Boston and New York?
Brooks Brown said…
Roy used to live in New York City and then moved to Boston. He is my east coast connection. So glad to see you back Sangrocito!
Lee Ann said…
Let's all take a road trip to Boston! cool!
Brooks Brown said…
Gas is so expensive. flying is probably cheaper.
Lee Ann said…
You are right about that!
mojoala said…
you know everytime I come here and see the picture, it looks more like Wile E. Coyote doing his my foot is own fire dance....
mojoala said…
That was a pathetic let down, at least they could have made it past the first round, my wife the boston fan is irratable, and i the braves fan is irratable as well!

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