I love this time of year. I love the crisp mornings, the cool evenings. I love lighting fires in the chiminea on the deck. I love having people over for dinner with the windows raised and the doors open. This weather makes the cats and even the Great Dane frisky. I love the crunchy leaves on the ground, the clean smell of fall in the air and Halloween excitement that makes it okay to eat candy and watch television shows about haunted places. I love seeing pumpkins on porches and homemade bedsheet ghosts hanging from trees.

Autumn is such an amazing time of year.


cmhl said…
i love this time of year as well.

and what a great pumpkin picture!!!
Lee Ann said…
Isn't it wonderful. I love this cooler weather. 39* tonight!!!!
BeckEye said…
Me too me too me too. Can't wait until the neighbors start burning wood. Nothing smells better.
David Stehle said…
My seasonal Fall love post is overdue. Reading yours just reminded me I better get to writing one up!

By the way, I like your pumpkin there - traditional carved ones aren't always a bad thing. It's a classic. ;)
mojoala said…
I couldn't agree with you more!

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