Kids don't try this at home.

My sister and I know a former kid that was in a full arm cast after this stunt and now he's a lawyer, so there definitely are lasting consequences.

Another 80's/90's mish mash is the free spirtesque ten speed bike with the roller blades -- nice!


mojoala said…
Hell, I did that as kid with a skateboard!
Brooks Brown said…
like i said -- lasting consequences ;)
mojoala said…
Jamie said…
You MUST love that TEN SPEED!
Brooks Brown said…
I got the red girls version of that bike for my 10th birthday. It was from Sears and it was a Free Spirit brand and none of us ever wore helmets during that time and we all survived. I think our generation was last to grow up in that kind of free-for-all era huh?

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