The cat's pajamas

I had another bought of insomnia last week coming off of the Boston trip and back into the full tilt boogie reality of work and school. I found this great little onesie for Ben at the thrift store and before I threw it in the washing machine, I got to thinking, in only the way a sleepless mind can, that the little outfit would probably fit Fred perfectly and it did. Funny thing is he didn't seem to mind it whatsoever and was more than happy to have his picture taken while sporting the duds that look more like a beach bum shirt than a baby outfit on him. I am hoping you animal lovers will get a kick out of this and not think I need to be carted away in a padded van. Something about dogs and cats in clothes cracks me up.


mojoala said…
lol, now you have gone all the pet deep end!





cmhl said…
that is so CUTE!!!! and your poor kitty looks so,, resigned and tolerant! hahahahah. love it.
porchwise said…
I was going to say something but my wifey is standing over me with that damn frying pan again...said if I make one more derogatory remark about cats..well, you can guess the rest.
Lee Ann said…
That is absolutely adorable. I saw a little baseball cap for dogs the other day. Just sooooo cute!

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