The freaks come out -- STRAIGHT UP

Clare is in town for Halloween and has brought
a plethora of disguises and props with her including
this wig modeled by Lindsay whose alter ego is
Wanda while in this get up. Clare has an elaborate
costume that involves a straight jacket and a
wedding dress and some fake blood (she is at the
end of a divorce in real life so no need to wonder
what up with that costume idea). Lindsay is creating a new
alter ego in Wanda (ReBarb was back in May
with Waddy). I haven't settled on a get up, but it will be
something freaky (a la the Thriller video) I hope.
Stay tuned for more photo fun.

Originally uploaded by echeevo72.


BeckEye said…
I'm probably just passing out candy tonight. I'd like to rummage through my closet and come up with something funny and original to wear while doing so but whatever it is would probably go over all those kids' heads.
Lee Ann said…
Happy Halloween!
Brooks Brown said…
the freaks came out last night -- stay tuned for photo evidence
David Stehle said…
Is that a real straight jacket? If so, cool!
Brooks Brown said…
a real straight jacket -- it almost had to be used for its real purpose too --- more to come on that
BeckEye said…
Oh by the way...

Do joo even know what a plethora ees?

(I like to use that line whenever possible. Thanks for the opportunity.)
cmhl said…
I LOVE the straight jacket w/ a wedding dress idea. hahahah. looks like you guys had fun..
mojoala said…
Okay I am waiting for your costume! Don't keep us waiting too long!

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