Move over baby fever. After seeing "Napoleon Dynamite" I think I want a llama. Those eyelashes are so sweet. Poor Tina, she didn't deserve having her dinner thrown at her that way! I wish I could adopt her.


mojoala said…
I know this off topic, but....

I have been looking for a benefactor to donate a million dollars or so, so I can buy a small farm out in the country. Where I can bring all the cats and kittens too from all the humane shelters in the state and let them live out their lives. Naturally I will have all the females spayed. So if you know someone that is a cat lover but does not have the time or patience for the care but has a need for a charitable contribution, the send them myway.

Jamie said…
One of my favorite movie lines is "Here Tina! Eat Your food you fat lard!" Don't ask me how many times I have watched this movie at YW sleepovers in the past year! It was created and produced entirely by BYU students (the cinematographer, Munn Powell, was a very good friend of mine in college--he had the coolest wedding annoucement i have ever seen--he turned out to be one of the "OLDER" people on the film crew).
Brooks Brown said…
that is very cool that you have an inside scoop on this jamie. i should have guessed it was produced by BYU film students. one of my good friends from my old newspaper job was a BYU film student and this movie reminds me so much of his humor.
Brooks Brown said…
mojo why don't you hit up richard scrushy? he knows all about offshore property since he owns an estate in peru and he needs to do some more charitable work with all his millions seeing as he got away with shady business dealings galore.

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