Condoleezza Rice, second left, and British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, second right, walk with Kimya Loder, 9, from left, Candace Knight, 6, Kamaya Loder, 5 and Carmen Knight, 7 as they leave the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. The church was bombed in 1963 killing four young girls during church services. Rice was on a three-day visit to her home state along with Straw. (AP Photo/The Birmingham News, Bernard Troncale).


mojoala said…
And she had to disgrace my football game by showing for the game!

How dare she!

The president's ho!

Brooks Brown said…
I wouldn't go that far Mojo. Most of the supporters of your football team were probably more than happy to have Dubyah's left hand lady at their game.
mojoala said…
Your'e probably right....I hate you....LOL!
Brooks Brown said…
Well at least you can laugh out loud after you say hate me and that's kinda like that rule in the South -- it's okay to say something nasty about someone as long as you say "Bless her (or his) heart" somewhere in the conversation.

I know the same would hold true if Condi visited Auburn. Hell, that's just the state of our state. At least we have each other right Mojo (bless our hearts!).I wish she hadn't gone as far as comparing the war in Iraq to the civil rights movement, but the Republicans are never going to stop selling that war are they? I have yet to meet or read the opinion of another black American that identifies and supports Condoleezza Rice. I appreciate you commenting, as always, Mojo.

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