ahhnuld still vants to PUMP YOU UP!

I was hoping I could find a reason to post this hilarious picture I found last week. Forget that it's a Photoshop nightmare and Arnold's faces is totally out of proportion, its the pose that really counts and monkey boy's creepy little E.T. foot reaching for Arnold's dagger? (errr)

Today Arnold got in some trouble. Here is the official story:

Fitness Mag Lines Arnold's Pockets

(AP) Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger receives $1 million a year as a consultant to a company that publishes fitness magazines, a deal critics say is a serious conflict of interest for the former bodybuilding champion. The payments, revealed Wednesday in filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, are from American Media Operations Inc., a subsidiary of American Media Inc., the company that publishes fitness magazines including Flex and Muscle & Fitness and the gossip titles National Enquirer and Star. Critics say the contract is a conflict of interest because Schwarzenegger's pay comes from advertising revenue and the magazines often feature ads about dietary supplements. The governor last year vetoed a bill that would have imposed government regulations on the dietary supplement industry.

So let me get this straight, Arnold works for a magazine that features ads that sell dietary supplemets. He then vetoes a bill that would allow regulations on dietary supplements. Not that shady political dealings are any shock at the moment, but what is funny to me is Arnold perpetuating the Austrian meathead persona that Dana Carvey so excellently captured on Saturday Night Live and that Arnold was dumb enough to parody himself by calling California democrats "girlie men." It's not like he really needs the extra $1.million a year. He, Maria and all their offspring's offspring are set for life so why even bother with it. Does he not see the conflict of interest here or does he think he can emasculate the source who reveals it?


mojoala said…
dayum republicans, always trying to stuff their pockets.

Nuke em all!

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