How cute is Ben? This is the same face Jason makes when he is put out with Mary Catherine and this child came into this world making the same face. What a miracle it is! I have gotten to spend some quality time with Baby Ben this week, have learned how to put a onesie on a newborn, have changed many diapers and have even gotten squirted and spit up on --- all with utter amazement. He loves being held and talked to and doesn't like being left alone on his boppie or in his bassinet. He rolls his eyes like a teenager, crosses them and makes funny faces all the way from possessed demon child with wrinkled forehead to peaceful happy little smiles and back in just a few seconds and he makes little grunting sounds like a puppy. I don't think he knows what his hands and feet are for because he flails them around aimlessly unless he is all swaddled up. All I know is no problems seem to cross my mind when I get to hang with Ben and I really like that.