Quote of the day


Anonymous said…
LOve the CaT, buT i LovE tHe ChAIR eVEn MorE.
Hi KItty- MaiL me ThAT ChAIR mILeS.
mojoala said…
oh, to be a cat. sleep all day, curl up in a warm lap occasionally, be scratched under the chin, eat some delicious smelling canned cat food, be fed some table scraps, have nine lives....

Brooks Brown said…
I think St. Peter sends the people who do really good work in their lives back to earth as cats. It's the ultimate gig. They live for themselves and you, as their owner, help them to do so :)
DaddyYank said…
Nice quote.
Brooks Brown said…
Thanks, Hey Waddy we got this chair from my friend Roy when he moved to NYC. The cats are magically drawn to it's 1960's glow.

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