THE TAKEDOWN -- Deep South style

The residents of 6th Ave. S and 49th Place are happy to report this morning that a possum has officially been removed from our residence -- for now. We were shutting down the house and heard a weird noise in the basement. K went down to discover that the three cat bowls, that she had just filled a couple of hours before, were totally empty. She asked me to come down and look and I told her I believed her. They she let out an incredibly girly scream and I immediately knew our visitor was back.

He was in the root cellar that K just cemented and was terrified. I wasn't as freaked out as I thought I would be because he was a baby and even smaller than Koko and she is a small cat. The thought of killing it crossed my mind for brief second. I do hate the idea of possums, but this guy was so small and scared. He peed on himself after I yelled at him to "get the hell out of our house" and then I started feeling bad for the little freakazoid. He was cornered and terrified and all he was looking for was a dry place and a good meal. Okay, I am not crazy enough (yet) to adopt a freakin' possum, but my critter-loving heart grew a little bigger tonight. We have a huge animal cage in the basement so with the courage that I know the ASPCA New York City cops (from Animal Planet) have to use, I rationally and calmly coaxed the little fellow into the cage and K and I carried him to a classified, remote location where he scurried off into some thick brush thanking his lucky, beady-eyed little stars.

If he winds up in our basement again, I might not have such a nice Walt Disney ending to report next time, but I won't hurt him as long as he doesn't hurt our cats. Poor Fred was so freaked out we had to cage him to keep his craziness contained. Even with those beady eyes, I just don't have it in me to hurt a critter like this. He definitely didn't score many Star Search points for cuteness, but he was a baby and my gut told me the little guy deserved a break this time. The good news is that we know for sure how he was getting in and out and the hole has been officially sealed. Hopefully his little pink nose will not lead him back to our basement.


mojoala said…
In my world, the only good possum is a dead possum.

That's my philosophy about snakes too.
mojoala said…
Oh, did you noticed I changed the Brook to Brooks?
Brooks Brown said…
Yes thanks Mojo. I had a moment of kindness last night. If the break-ins keep up I might have to resort to more aggressive tactics. I couldn't kill a baby animal -- even with the scary eyes.
Anonymous said…
i always thought opposums were cute. i did my animal report on them in the 5th grade. you should have seen the poster i made. ahh 5th grade.
Brooks Brown said…
I have to say I thought this guy was kind of cute too and so did my friends at work. Had it been one of the 35 pound hosses I might feel differently. I wish you still had the poster -- bet it rocked.
Jamie said…
EEEEWWWW! I just can't abide small, scurrying wild things! Nor can I kill them...what a pickle! That's why I live where the invading wild things are enormous (bison, moose, grizzlies--moose love our apple trees!)and the smaller ones have learned to stay outta town.

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