Miles to go before I sleep

I have had insomnia all week and Wednesday night while wondering why I was still awake at 3:30 a.m. after having looked at about 20 pages of vintage Fisher Price toys from the '70s (I don't even know why), I had a visit from Mr. Miles. He stayed next to me in this drawer for about an hour and for that hour I didn't feel like the only one in the world awake during the asleep hour because I had a friend.


mojoala said…
join the club my dear.
I have been waking up 2-3 hours before the alarm and can't get back to sleep for the last 2 nights.

must be something in the Alabama air....
Brooks Brown said…
I think you are right mojo. I was up again last night until 5:00 a.m. and still couldn't stay asleep. This time I had the grey cat in the special cat drawer.

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