mojo thanks. roy shared that apartment and it was $3000 a month. the apartment he had in birmingham was also a two bedroom and it was $250 a month or around there. roy was in new york because he got a job at a web design firm called razorfish. they took a major dive after 9/11 and fearing he would be the next to get a pink slip, roy left for boston where he now lives. He works for a well-known design firm up there called stolze design. YES my green chair did go with his green couch and he decided not to take the chair when he left so we got it. I like it because it reminds me of him.
timmythanks, goo-baby doesn't have to be any bigger for her to come visit and meet her aunt brooks who has many presents to give her (HINT HINT!)As you know, we have plenty of room and will find something fun to do if you wanna come over for a day trip. We know from having our new baby neighbor over that our house can easily transform into a baby safe zone. BRING IT TIMMY!
I agree. Pretty sickening no matter how much money a person is making up there. I was looking at the note from a house in my neighborhood built in 1920 (two bedroom bungalow) and it was bought for $2500 after it was built. I know that is a lot of years difference, but still. A typical mortgage payment for a house in my neighborhood is 1/3 of what this apartment cost. Doesn't make me want to rush up there and figure out how to make it work -- don't think it ever would.
Does anyone remember the video for this song. It was so stupid. The Banarama girls were being followed by a trucker and they threw some banana peels on his windshield -- like that would stop him. Any other '80s fans out there remember any more details? I still loved the group and still love the song. I actually have this single on vinyl -- just like the picture. Tomorrow will be a beast. Today the air conditioning was like the Little Engine that Could except this little engine never made it over the hill. The dog pants all the time like she can never quite catch her breath and outside it is just nasty. Even at midnight tonight it was still 85 degrees and a super sauna outside. I have an elaborate system of fans set up in the bedroom and it helps. Andi even has her own fan and she sleeps jacked up right next to it. To add insult to injury, K called me at work frantic last night, "THERE IS A POSSUM IN THE BASEMENT!" If that exclamation doesn't typify the deep south I d...
Audrey Rose Georges turned one year old today. Her mom, Angela, made this wonderful invitation for the occasion and has done an excellent job of documenting Audrey from a positive pregnancy test to her most recent milestone, taking her first steps, through her blog, My Daily Struggle . This is one well-documented and adored kid and I hope Angela and Papa Tim congratulate themselves on 12 months of excellent hard work. Audrey is a little superstar.
I am a grown person I know, but I still believe in concept of security blankets especially in times of stress. During 9/11 it was my new kittens from the humane society that I held and loved on while soaking in the reality of those hard moments that begin four years ago today. This week it has really helped to post blog entries and wear my new kangol visor, that already looks like it is 10 years old, while absorbing the news from Louisiana. I know that is weird, especially since I am woman. I have heard criticism from friends and family alike about how girls shouldn't wear caps my entire life, but it never has and never will stop me. It keeps overhead light glare out of my eyes, hides less than presentable hair and for some reason, provides me with a sense of comfort and relaxation and always has. When I was a kid, I wouldn't wear my team cap from softball until the day of the game. There was something sacred and ceremonial about the 'team cap' and that magic carries o...
how much does his apartment cost a month.
and why is Roy in newyork.
And does your green chair go with his green couch?
tim g aka angela's worse half
thanks. roy shared that apartment and it was $3000 a month. the apartment he had in birmingham was also a two bedroom and it was $250 a month or around there. roy was in new york because he got a job at a web design firm called razorfish. they took a major dive after 9/11 and fearing he would be the next to get a pink slip, roy left for boston where he now lives. He works for a well-known design firm up there called stolze design. YES my green chair did go with his green couch and he decided not to take the chair when he left so we got it. I like it because it reminds me of him.
timmythanks, goo-baby doesn't have to be any bigger for her to come visit and meet her aunt brooks who has many presents to give her (HINT HINT!)As you know, we have plenty of room and will find something fun to do if you wanna come over for a day trip.
We know from having our new baby neighbor over that our house can easily transform into a baby safe zone. BRING IT TIMMY!