"It's too close for comfort, this heat has got right out of hand"

Does anyone remember the video for this song. It was so stupid.

The Banarama girls were being followed by a trucker and they threw some banana peels on his windshield -- like that would stop him. Any other '80s fans out there remember any more details? I still loved the group and still love the song. I actually have this single on vinyl -- just like the picture.

Tomorrow will be a beast. Today the air conditioning was like the Little Engine that Could except this little engine never made it over the hill. The dog pants all the time like she can never quite catch her breath and outside it is just nasty. Even at midnight tonight it was still 85 degrees and a super sauna outside. I have an elaborate system of fans set up in the bedroom and it helps. Andi even has her own fan and she sleeps jacked up right next to it.

To add insult to injury, K called me at work frantic last night, "THERE IS A POSSUM IN THE BASEMENT!" If that exclamation doesn't typify the deep south I don't know what does. We are in a neighborhood that is considered part of downtown Birmingham and yet we have possums, voles, rats, snakes and probably other critters that give me the total heebs to think about.

According to our eyewitness, the possum was as big as our cat Koko, and spotted on the workbench in one of the cubby holes eating Koko's food. Koko was said to be very pissed and bitching about the possum eating her food, but also had a look of terror in her eyes that K couldn't understand until she looked where Koko was looking. I asked her if she screamed and she said no, but she muttered "Oh dear God" and ran upstairs. For those of you who don't live in the deep south, possums are freaky and mean with beady eyes and naked tails. (see photo -- k says it looked just like this).

They give most everyone the creeps. We went down to the basement together after I came home from work armed with a rake and broom. There was no possum to be found, but I saw where he got it and blocked the hole with a big rock. We have a scary basement I call the Blair Witch basement because of its partial dirt floor and naked lightbulbs on a chord. I swear it I look hard enough I can see children's hand prints on the wall. Now we have another reason to not want to go down there it seems like this critter might be smart enough to figure its way around the jerry-rigged patched holes we have leading outside.

When I described this blog as having critter pix, this was not the kind of critter I had in mind.

One, two, three, four ... I declare a varmit war!


mojoala said…
I hate possums. Ugly nasty rat-like creature. Even baby possums are not cute.

That says a lot!
Brooks Brown said…
I totally agree. I was talking to my sister about it and its something about the face -- pointed nose and those demonic eyes. You are right, even the babies are freaky. Poor little demons.
Hector Drone said…
In the hilarious ROUGH GUIDE TO CULT POP, I read that Bananarama "were a one hit wonder case, if we ever know how to spot one... Only... they are the most successful girl group in the UK ever!!!"
Cruel summer, hah? Well... not for them anyway...
Brooks Brown said…
Rough Guide has got it all wrong. Just because they didn't have an extensive string of successful hits in the U.S. does not mean they were one hit wonders. You can throw a rock and probably hit two '80s bands that fall into this category, but Bananarama had "Venus", "I Heard a Rumor", "Hot Line to Heaven" and "Robert De Niro's Waiting" just to name a few. When looking for current info on them on the web, I see two of the original members, Keren Woodward and Sarah Dallin, are still together performing and still looking pretty hot. The Rough Trade Guide should print a retraction.
mojoala said…
i remember only the venus song....
Anonymous said…
Wait--more successful than the Spice Girls? Better, sure, but I would think the latter were more of a commercial success.
Brooks Brown said…
Commericial success between the two bands is kind of apples and oranges, or oranges and bananas as would be the case. The Spice Girls came out in the era of pre-fab bands that have every piece of marketed collateral down to freakin' panties, plus they had a movie and they were on Virgin records. Banarama never blew up on the same scale because they weren't one of these Lou Pearlman- type bands specific created and marketed to teenagers (and marketed and marketed). Bananrama was on a smaller label (London) and although they had a decent string of videos and hits, they sure weren't one of the '80s bands who had a rabid teen following like Duran Duran, Wham!, Madonna or Jacko when he was still a ligit black man. Ya dig?

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