four months today

I love Google images. Where else in the world could you find a tiny stuffed raccoon enjoying a frosty cold one? Today marks four months without one. I am not going to say it is easy because it is definitely not. I understand why people join recovery groups because those of us that love the drug too much need reinforcements since our culture is so obsessed with promoting and laughing off alcohol additiction. I am not about to become one of those humorless, self righteous born-again straight edgers, but when I see alcohol ads on TV that say "You can't resist the mist" and "surrender to absolut vodka", I think "Hell yeah, I would love to and screw you guys for putting the thought in my head." Major props to my sister who was the first in my family to put a moratorium on the sauce. It helps having her support and her year-and-a-half experience of not drinking to observe and learn from.

It's just kind of sad the way that alcohol is treated in such a cavalier way in America. It's a rite of passage, the adult playground and something that people need to be "man enough" to handle. In my short drive to work I pass at least two alcohol billboards strategically placed in low-income, mostly black areas. Other addictive drugs that claim lives and relationships like heroine, pain-killers, crack, meth are all treated pretty seriously I guess since they are illegal, but could you ever imagine an advertisement that said, "Give in to Oxycontin."

I know alcoholics struggle just as hard as other drug addicts in recovery and I just think it would be nice if it was an addiction that was treated a little more seriously. You would think with all the alcohol-related deaths and accidents that happen per year in America that the message would be altered from "drink fru fru martinis, act like a dumbass and maybe you can hook up with someone tonight" to "hey, you can drink this stuff when you are 21, but watch out because it can kill you and/or sneak up and kick your ass."

Tipper Gore, where are you when I need you?

This would probably be the only time.

The original picture on top is by a guy named Keith Fenske who has a gallery of many other nifty shots from Japan at


mojoala said…
I just don't comprehend alcoholism or any dependency for that matter.

That is just me.
Jamie said…
I don't comprehend it because I have never gone there, but the reason I have never gone there is because I observed the effects early on in my life. I agree with you 100%, Brooks-- I think it's an absolute travesty the way alcohol is promoted when it is probably the most dangerous and most widespread addiction out there. I live in a state packed with alcoholics--don't get me started on drinking in Montana!!! It's almost as bad as my SUV rant. Anyway, I congratulate and support your sobriety. It must be hard, but it's so worth it.
Brooks Brown said…
Jamie -- Thanks for your always excellent comments. My parents live in Montana so I have some idea what you are talking about. I know how alcoholism has devasted so much of the Native American population and in Missoula I have seen the "drunk Indian" stereotype in full effect. I have a few friends who have never drank at all (religious reasons) and before I quit I always envied the fact that they had never gone there so never had to deal with the pain of quitting. I guess my rant is based on my highly-sensitive observations of the culture around me and it digusts me that such an addictive and life shattering drug is treated so casually. It's that "it's not such a big deal" mentality that makes it hard sometimes to not give in, at least for me. However, writing about it and finding online support (I have done a lot of both) combined with my family giving it up too has created a strong support system that I am very grateful for.

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