1975 Vinyl -- Very honorable mentions:

From NME here are other excellent musical mentions of 1975.
From left to right, top to bottom:

Led Zeppelin, Physical Graffitti
Patti Smith, Horses
David Bowie, Young Americans
The Who, The Who by Numbers
Curtis Mayfield, There's No Place Like America Today
Parliament, Mothership Connection
Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run
Neil Young, Tonight's the Night

Also released, but not pictured:

Bob Dylan, Blood on the Tracks
Pink Floyd, Wish you were Here
Parliament, Chocolate City
Bob Marley, Live


BeckEye said…
Physical Graffiti and Born to Run - 2 of my favorite albums of all time.
cmhl said…
(((((( I love Parliment ))))
Brooks Brown said…
It was a very good year for funk, rock, r&b and reggae. I had no idea under I started digging. I love Google.
mojoala said…
i can't relate to this, I did not buy or start listening to music until 1978....

late blossomer!

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