Confessions of an ex-jury candidate

Well, it's all over. I got sent home with my measly $30 check and never even considered for the criminal trial I was teased with yesterday. I must say I am disappointed. I got up extra early today, wore an interview outfit with jewelry, but nothing happened all day. Again we sat. I studied the autonomic nervous system and read the occasional People magazine item. This morning I sat in clear view of the clerk on the mic so I would know when she was about to call jury candidates, but it didn't happen. No drama, nothing interesting to report, but no lengthy trial either so I guess in a way it's a good thing. I do want to hear the words "crack rock" in a live trial setting some time (one that obviously not include me as the defendant). I hear once you get picked, you will get picked again so maybe next time.

(Interesting side note: The jury that was selected this week for the quadriple murder/drug deal gone wrong were all dismissed yesterday when the judge declared a mistrial. It has been excellently reported by my fellow Crestwoodian, co-worker and pal Val Walton in today's paper. This jury was selected from the original pool I was a member of. I bet they are relieved because this was going to be a very long drawn-out trial)


Anonymous said…
haha yeah i heard that too. so i guess it's hardly "random," huh?
Brooks Brown said…
yeah, i had a friend from work who called twice in a two-year period. one of his trials was really long and one morning he overslept and the district attorney of jefferson county called our office and said the guy was going to be held in contempt of court if he didn't appear in the next 30 minutes. that could have been some pretty costly abuse of the snooze button, but i believe he made it.
Anonymous said…
hahaha ^wow...
yes she is a maltese but a maltese-poodle mix. =) she's so sweet!
Brooks Brown said…
so she is a maltoodle. i bet she will be very smart and live a long life with those two breeds as her make-up.
Speed42 said…
I was once called for jury duty several years ago. Unfortunately it was for a trial being held in my hometown where I hadn't lived for about 10 years. Very odd.
Anonymous said…
aww thanks for your lovely words =)
nice new profile picture by the way! stylin' =P
angela said…
I secretly love People magazine.
I'm sorry you got all fancified only to be rejected. Maybe you should have worn a brooch. (That's a funny word).
Brooks Brown said…
I love People too -- always have. It such junk food for the brain, but always irresistible. Nice point about the brooch (and yes, a funny word). K has an antique glass bowl of them in our dining room -- they belonged to her grandma, so its not like I didn't have access to them. I will try that approach next time.
angela said…
What you meant to say was that you'll try that a-brooch next time.
David Stehle said…
I've always managed to get out of jury duty when asked. In the past I was called for jury duty when I was still in college. So I had legit excuses like "I'm taking finals" and I couldn't miss those or make them up. I suppose if I was called for a GOOD case then I might consider not getting out of it. I need something with a murder, sex, mob, you know good junk to keep me on the edge of my wooden chair. ;)
Lee Ann said…
Sorry you didn't have any drama. At least you didn't get drawn into a long one. You did your duty for a while, that is good.
BeckEye said…
Aw, that would be great. I'm sure if I ever get picked for jury duty it will be for some stupid sidewalk slip and fall suit involving lots of needless geophysical evidence revolving around the concrete. A criminal trial would be too groovy.
mojoala said…
I still hate jury duty....!

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