Marsh Chapel -- Boston University

Roy and Liane are getting married at Marsh Chapel, a gorgeous space that looks more like a small cathedral with wooden sculptures and some of the most beautiful stained glass I have ever seen. The windows feature traditional religious figures like saints with important figures in American history like Ben Franklin and Betsy Ross. The pictures don't do the place justice, but were worth posting anyway. I am doing a reading from a book called "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran. I am not familiar with the book, but found out today that Roy's mother gave it to him after he graduated high school so if Beck Burns likes it, I like it too

Roy gave me a copy tonight as a gift along with Sonic Youth's rerelease of 1990's "Goo". That album was our soundtrack in college and ironically was reissued this year with outtakes and other DVD like extra goods. The note he wrote me was so sweet and made me cry as I realized just how much I have missed him since he left Birmingham five years ago. That boy is gold to me and I am so happy to be a part of this event.


cmhl said…
that is gorgeous....
mojoala said…
That's one of the reasons I became cathoic.... nothing like the feel of God brought on by beautiful artwork....

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