I have no choice but to turn on word verification.

My last entry had 15 spam messages.

Such an effective means of advertising!


Ticharu said…
That cat is very funny! Is that your cat? Cats can be so disrespectful.
I red the previous post as well. I think what this teaches us, is that you are on your own, I mean, the government might show up at some point, and there is always the possibility that when they show up things will only get worse, but being a refugee is the worst possible situation to be in. When a person walks into a shelter during a time of crisis, you give up a lot of rights that you otherwise take for granted. Going into a shelter is to be avoided at all costs, cuz yeah, you're at their mercy, who ever they happens to be.
Ticharu said…
"Hi, I'm from the government, I'm here to help."
BeckEye said…
Ha...I felt the same way. I avoided word verification for as long as I possibly could. Some of the spam comments were actually funny enough to ridicule. But once I got one that was like 6 paragraphs long, I figured it was time to end it.
Jamie said…
Your last post and this first comment illustrate the reason why I am a conservative-bordering-on-libertarian. I can do a much better job managing my money and resources than the federal government EVER will, so just gimme those damn taexs back and I will live off of MY savings, MY retirement, MY food storage, and MY 72-hour emergency kit. My family and my church will ALWAYS be a more efficient means of security and rescue than the freaking government.

And word to yur mutha on the word verification--wuzzup with the huge increase in comment spam?
Brooks Brown said…
Jamie -- TRUE DAT all the way girl. I have been thinking the same thing about the Government. Give me my damn money back and lets just play 'everyone fend for themselves' I never thought that I would begin to understand the mentality of people that hate the government and start militias, but after this week I feel differently. Dubyah's good-ole-boy buddy as the head of FEMA held his last job as the president of an arabian horse association? Are you f*cking kidding me? These guys are pointing at the other guy with one hand and scratching their butts with the other.
Such an embarrassment!
Jamie said…
Girl, you know it's true! Watch out Brooks, or you're gonna have to move to Montana with the rest of us crazy libertarians! You can write your manifesto and start your militia right down the valley...
Brooks Brown said…
I would love to be in Montana right now. It's been one of those weeks where it hurts having my parents so far away. I just can't believe what I've seen with my own eyes down at our civic center. People, children, have lived through hell this week in New Orleans. The looks on their faces breaks my heart, but I know they need help and I am glad that our community is here to do that.
mojoala said…
okay, how long did it take for you to find a picture of the cat?

It is hilarious!

The cat has an evil look too!
Brooks Brown said…
I found it by doing a Google Image search for "bird flipping". What is cool is that these .gif files are animated. I would love to figure out how to create my own.

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