This girl is F I E R C E

Weather is always interesting and fascinating, unlike this past week in the life. I don't want to get into too many details about my self-diagnosed kidney infection (my best friend pharmacist backed me up) except I will say that I am taking a pill for pain that causes brown urine -- rock on!

Step back Tyra Banks, because Hurricane Rita looks like the fiercest female making the current scene. My good newsroom buddy, Chris T, says that Rita is now up to 175 m.p.h. in the gulf, topping the highest wind speeds of Katrina.

The good thing is that people are heeding the warnings that have been well-publicized down to the authorities canvassing neighborhoods with loud speakers, warning as many citizens as possible. I am sad for the people who left Katrina for southeast Texas and now have to flee that area as well. Hey I bet that empty ranch in Crawford would be a good place for evacuees. I can see that place loaded with beef jerky and power generators. Gotta perpetuate that Wal-Mart image to keep that downhome appeal going. Political jabbing aside, there is no way to avoid the structural damage that is to come, but no one will be blindsided by this hurricane in Texas unless they are living the ostrich life and in that case, let it be survival of the fittest.

I think the meteorological society, or who ever is in charge of naming these storms, should consider a less 'scorned woman' sounding name and just start naming these storms meek sounding names -- Blanche, Dudley, Priscilla, Tiffany. Maybe we would have better outcomes if these hurricanes didn't sound like bad ass bitches who, in human form. would probably rip a wig off a woman after she looked the wrong way at her man, followed by beating her senseless with a fake Gucci bag. OUCH!

I don't mean to make too much light of the situation and wouldn't if I didn't think the three levels of government were not doing everything in their power to prepare. I predict that my city continues to get more evacuees, but at this rate we might get nailed as we did last year with Hurricane Ivan. By that point the hurricane naming society might have run out of the alphabet and will reportedly have to start using the Greek alphabet.

That is all we need, another Category 5 hurricane and this one named after a fraternity. Will this one rain keg beer?


mojoala said…
have you notice that tracking is ever so slowing inching it's way toward New Orleans?

Brown urine? That's sound scary....

Yes sustained winds are 175 with gusts measured at 200! Plus she has slowed from 15 mph w to 9 mph wnw.
slow down may allow time for the front coming down steer it more toward Lousiana....

Is global warming really producing stronger hurricanes?
mojoala said…
11:06 am update

Projected path has shifted at least 50 miles farther east.

Now it's nearly on the Texas/LA border.
Brooks Brown said…
The urine is actually flourescent orange. Its pretty scary looking and will stain the toilet if not flushed immediately. Thanks for the update Mojo. When I left for class I noticed the storm looked more Louisiana bound that had been predicted.
Lee Ann said…
echeevo...those kidney infections can be hellacious. One second feels like forever when you are going through that. That orange can stain anything it touches :[
BeckEye said…
I've never had a kidney infection, but did have the dreaded UTI a few times. Eegads, nothing like feeling like your uterus is going to fall out while going to the bathroom. But of all the weird things...cranberry juice really does work wonders. I can't stand the stuff though, so the cranberry pills work just as well. But I'm hoping I won't have any of those nasty bitches for a loooong time.
BeckEye said…
Oh, and for the politically incorrect comment...but it's all your fault because the Tyra Banks reference put it into my head...

Rita is still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Tropical Storm. (Tropical storm sounded funnier than hurricane.)
Brooks Brown said…
What politically incorrect comment? Bring 'em on!

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