Miles of smiles

Let me not forget my own sweet bundle. He was just a kitten during 9/11 and I am having flashbacks today of what a comfort the critters are during times of sadness and stress.

Miles has always been shy and used to hate to be held, but this summer has started jumping in my lap when I am working on the computer to get some love. This little tiger has changed his stripes. I never knew he had it in him.


angela said…
I wish I were as photogenic as Miles! And I wish I had his job. He's got it made.
Brooks Brown said…
Yeah he does have it made. It's no exaggeration that many pets live better lives than many humans. I joke that these critters must have been really important people in their previous lives to now live a life of 100% luxury -- no job, all meals and very expensive health care provided, a vast assortment of beds and toys -- all at no cost. It's like being a retiree without ever having to invest the years into a career.
mojoala said…
ah, an orange tabby, I have one of those, except he is not so orange, he has more of buff color.

gonna have to post my 3 cats.
Lee Ann said…
Sweet baby kitty. I have two, both are so sweet!
crallspace said…
What a cute cat.
Brooks Brown said…
Thanks. The kitties are always good company.

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