Freddie Lee, International Cat of Mystery, pretends to be interested in helping wash the laundry of strangers as he peers out from a new laundry bag, but really just sees it as a potential pissing opportunity. That is his favorite way to treat a pile of dirty laundry by adding his own special signature to it. Fortunately, he did not succeed.


Lee Ann said…
cute kitty!
Brooks Brown said…
he is sneaky and sometimes a very mean kitty too, but we still love him
cmhl said…
Now that is a really good thing to do, and one I hadn't thought up--- I'm sure they greatly appreciate you washing their clothes. good job!!
mojoala said…
hmmmmm, does he do the figure eight lovingly or mischeiveously?
Brooks Brown said…
BOTH -- the most dangerous part of this cat's personality is that he can be loving and mischeiveous simultaneously.
His catch phrase is definitely "What have you done for me in the last five minutes." -- more so than any cat I have ever known.
mojoala said…

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