It is so old and worn now that the brim has started to detach from the actual cap, the metal part on the back has betinaed and the cap has faded quite a bit.
This picture was taken in August 2003 at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) by my best friend Clare Vance. We had some pints of beer while on standby to see my parents in Missoula. I miss those beers sometimes, but leaned on them way too hard an often as a comfort and they always let me down the next day. It is better, although not necessarily easier, to seek comfort elsewhere like in a simple ball cap.
and finally we have a good clear picture of you!
Thank god, for a while there I thought you just a nose and glasses!
how many pints did you have? you're looking very friendly!
One of my favorites is a red cap I got at Gap for $1 about eight years ago. Enzo chewed the button on top off back when he was still a puppy. And after many washings the bill is tattered and its once bright-red fabric is a vibrant pink. Still wear it, though. I hear pink is in.