Dark clouds gather and a palm tree blows in the strong winds from Tropical Storm Rita on the Eastern shore line of Nassau, on New Providence Island in The Bahamas, Monday, Sept. 19, 2005. Heavy rain and strong winds lashed the Bahamas on Monday as Tropical Storm Rita crossed the island chain, gathering strength as the system headed toward Cuba and the Florida Keys. (AP Photo/Craig Lenihan)


Ticharu said…
Awesome photo! The green of the water, the grey angry sky, the light hitting the palm tree trying to survive the beach...
mojoala said…
I think I am going to try and use that picture as a desktop wallpaper. The colors are just perfect....
Brooks Brown said…
The water against the sky looks electric. It's beautiful and kind of terrifying at the same time.
EXSENO said…
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EXSENO said…
I just love any scene that has water from oceans to lakes to fountains. Don't know why I just do.o

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