"It's too close for comfort, this heat has got right out of hand"
Does anyone remember the video for this song. It was so stupid. The Banarama girls were being followed by a trucker and they threw some banana peels on his windshield -- like that would stop him. Any other '80s fans out there remember any more details? I still loved the group and still love the song. I actually have this single on vinyl -- just like the picture. Tomorrow will be a beast. Today the air conditioning was like the Little Engine that Could except this little engine never made it over the hill. The dog pants all the time like she can never quite catch her breath and outside it is just nasty. Even at midnight tonight it was still 85 degrees and a super sauna outside. I have an elaborate system of fans set up in the bedroom and it helps. Andi even has her own fan and she sleeps jacked up right next to it. To add insult to injury, K called me at work frantic last night, "THERE IS A POSSUM IN THE BASEMENT!" If that exclamation doesn't typify the deep south I d...
In another 3 years you'll be a third of a century old?
Sorry couldn't resist. When my wife reached 33 I told her that, I slept on the couch for a while....
And I was born to get down. Bring it.
The auburnites here at work are just insufferable right now.....
bloodthirsty? yep that might be a way to describe them and even myself....