Me and Dad -- Spring 1973

After closer inspection of this photo, I realized I am wearing an Auburn cap. Auburn University is my parents' alma mater, the town where my sister and I were raised and where my Dad taught journalism for 20 years. Dad's love of Auburn came from his sister's husband, my Uncle Lee Oliver, who graduated in pharmacy from Auburn back when it was called Alabama Polytechnic Institute.

For the people out there in Bloggerville that give a rip about college football, and yes I am one of them, here is some trivia you might or might not know.

In 1972, the Auburn Tigers (10-0) were ranked No. 2. During the Iron Bowl, played in the City of Birmingham, college football history was made.

With 5:30 remaining in the fourth quarter, the Alabama Crimson Tide had a 16-3 lead thanks to their suffocating defense. But on consecutive possessions, Auburn's Bill Newton blocked punts and David Langer returned both for TDs and a 17-16 lead. For a decade, Auburn fans' cars were decorated with "Punt 'Bama Punt" bumper stickers.

Because of the Tigers' stellar year, this Auburn cap was most likely one of Dad's special caps and one of my first memories is wearing his caps and smelling the sweet,salty dried sweat smell on the back of the brim. That smell has always been one I love and reminds me of him and is most likely one of the reasons I have and will always have a fondness for those few special caps.

(Please note the rounded corners on this photograph -- a hallmark of the the 1970s)


mojoala said…
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brooks Brown said…
I never seriously considered deleting comments until this very moment. Thanks Mojo.
mojoala said…

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