The mighty Cam

I got this text message yesterday from one of my oldest friends, Cameron. We grew up living across the street from each another in Auburn, Ala. and I have known him since I was 8 and he was 10. Cameron is an air traffic controller with the National Guard and spend time in Afghanistan two years ago. He lives in Meridian, Mississippi and was called down to Gulfport, a once beautiful town, now totally destroyed by the hurricane.

This is the text message he sent me. No food, water or transportation, but he has text messaging down there and wanted me to keep him updated on the Auburn/Georgia Tech football game. I send him a text message every quarter and was sad to report to him that we lost 23-17 so it looks like Auburn's magic win streak is over, but it was a nice excuse to exchange about 20 phone messages back and forth and catch up with my old buddy. I hope he can get out of that hot Mississippi heat soon and get his butt up here so I can buy him a beer at The Garage. The National Guard is lucky to have him. He's the kind of guy who would go days without to help someone in need and never say a single word about it. That's just Cam. Love you pal! Take care down there.


Lee Ann said…
Yeah, we all kind of knew our winning streak would be over this year, but last year was the year that will be talked about forever! Glad you were able to keep in contact with him.
cmhl said…
I'm glad you heard from him--- hard to imagine what they are going through. you need to have him be a guest blogger when he is back in a more normal sitation, and give "us" a birds-eye view..
Brooks Brown said…
I would love to hear what he has to say. This guy stayed in a tent in Afghanistan that was 110 degrees. He's been through hell and survived before and I'm sure he'll be doing it again with this relief effort.
Brooks Brown said…
I am e-mailing this blog entry to his mom and I think it would be great to hear his report from the Gulf Coast. Right after I graduated college and moved back home, the neighborhood Cam and I grew up in got nailed by Hurricane Opal. Trees were down everywhere and it looked war torn and took months to start looking like its old self again. Cam and I both know how to survive a bad storm.
mojoala said…
it's a war zone there. One soldier who has been to Iraq says: "There's no difference between here and Iraq".
Brooks Brown said…
I'm sure you are right Mojo. As far as their provisions, it might be worse than Iraq. I was really happy to hear Mississippi Congressman Gene Taylor commending the Mississippi National Guard yesterday on the news. He bascially said "these guys are mircale workers." Makes me proud of the guy who used to pour lighter fluid all over army men and tanks, in well crafed poses, and then torch them with delight.

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